GoLang Journey – Program Structure

Names The name of go functions, variables, constants, types and packages abide by following rules: Name begins with a letter or underscore Name can have any number of additional letters, digits as well as underscores Case in name matters; list and List are two different names Go has 25 reserved words like if, map, package,... Continue Reading →

A Tutorial To Completable Future in Java

Motivation for Completable Future Remember the guy Future? One which used to do tasks for us in a separate thread and return a future object where we can get the result. Let's refresh the memory with a small code snippet showing Future at work. ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5); Callable customer = () -> { return... Continue Reading →

Introduction to GraphQL Mutation through Java

Prerequisite If you don't know about GraphQL, this link is a good place to start. This article would assume that reader has basic knowledge of REST as well as Java. Mutation Drawing comparison from REST, any verb (e.g. GET, POST, PUT etc) are able to do server changes. But as convention, we use POST to... Continue Reading →

Tutorial – Introduction to GraphQL through Java Implementation

Introduction Assume that we have been given following mockup screens: A possible rest implementation would have following APIs: GET /car/{id} Response: { "id" : "car1", "carNumber" : "KA01HK", "driverId" : "12" } ------------------------------------- GET /driver/{id} Response: { "id" : "12", "firstName" : "Harsh", "lastName" : "Vardhan" } But! The first screen only wanted car number... Continue Reading →

Simple Project Idea in Java for Beginners

Problem Statement: Make a console based java application which support CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for e-commerce domain. Application should be able to support following features: Any user should be able to sign up, log in and log out. Admin should be able to add, update and delete products. Logged in user should be... Continue Reading →

My Learning in Software Engineering

Introduction The question that frequently pops up during discussion with colleagues and friends is:  “What’s next?” The question triggers a debate with very subjective answers which are evolving over time. Three years before, the answers included MS, MBA and startup. I used to work for a unicorn and I decided to join a startup to:... Continue Reading →

Using Guice for Dependency Injection

Prerequisite For Injecting dependency using guice, you should first know what is Dependency Injection. Please go through this article to understand Dependency Injection. Introduction Now that we know what is Dependency Injection, we can use it in our code. With dependency injection, objects accept dependencies in their constructors. To construct an object, you need first... Continue Reading →

A Beginner Tutorial To Kotlin – 1

Prerequisite IntelliJ Idea or any other IDE that supports Kotlin syntax JVM (as Kotlin is a JVM based language) Introduction JetBrains started project Kotlin in 2011. Kotlin is designed to be complied as fast as Java and having the features of Scala. Scala, as JetBrain points out, has a high compilation time. Kotlin has saveral... Continue Reading →

A Beginner Tutorial on Java Streams

The screenshot above explains the dictionary meaning of stream. And stream in java is no different. The dictionary meaning says: stream - a continuous flow of liquid, air or gas A quick google search Stream in Java is also a sequence of values. As you can make a dam to aggregate the water in case... Continue Reading →

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